Course List Provisions and Changes

CMT reserves the right to modify, revoke or add to the rules, procedures, and course listing of this institution at any time. If a student drops out of a program of study and later returns, they are considered to be under the rules, procedures, and course listing in effect at the time of their return.

Certificate Level Studies for Christian Leaders   
This CMT program supplies basic instruction for beginning ministerial students who are preparing to lead church congregations, engage in evangelistic outreach, or assist in lay ministry. 

CMT51 Basic Doctrine for the Abundant Life A one-credit, basic Certificate Level course of 18 lessons on the foundations of the Christian life and how to live the “Abundant Life” offered by the Lord. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students learn the answers to these crucial life questions: Who is man? Where did we come from? Where are we headed? What is the Bible? Who is God? Who is Jesus? Who is the Holy Spirit? Who is the devil? This course utilizes a programmed instructional model in which each point builds on a previous point, allowing students to more easily comprehend material, remember it, and integrate lessons learned into their daily lives. This is a two-credit course that is published by SEAN International, pioneers in the field of Christian programmed learning.
CMT52 Panorama of the Bible A two-credit Certificate Level course that gives a broad grounding in overall knowledge and understanding of all the books of the Bible and how they fit together. It presents God's plan for mankind in a manner that is both informational, but also devotional. Course objectives and learning outcomes: The student is to understand practical instruction on how to study the Bible for him or herself and to explore its riches for successful Christian living. This is a two-credit course that is published by SEAN International, pioneers in the field of Christian programmed learning. 

CMT53 Panorama of the Old Testament This one-credit Certificate Level course is essentially the first half of CMT102 Panorama of the Bible packaged as a individual course. Students earn one academic credit upon completion.
CMT54 Panorama of the New Testament This one-credit Certificate Level course is essentially the second half of CMT102 Panorama of the Bible packaged as an individual course. Students earn one academic credit upon completion.

CMT55 Doctrinal Studies in Ephesians A two-credit Certificate Level course that presents 30 practical and devotional lessons from the letter of Paul to the Ephesians. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to understand appreciate the Christian believer’s union with the Lord Jesus is emphasized. The course is published by SEAN International.
CMT56 Preparing and Preaching Bible Messages A two-credit Certificate Level course that teaches basic fundamentals of how to interpret the Bible and how to effectively transmit Bible truths in a sermon. This practical course is designed for church leaders and pastors’ assistants who are already in ministry, and are receiving their theological training “on the job”. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to aquire basic skills to preach Biblical messages.
CMT57 Who is the Holy Spirit? A one-credit Certificate Level course that presents the Holy Spirit as the divine Third Person of the Trinity. It discusses how God sent the Holy Spirit to inhabit believers after Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. The empowering of believers by the Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel is discussed. The promise of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is presented, as well as an overview of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including speaking in tongues. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are urged to understand this doctrine and to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 
CMT58 The Spirit World (Spiritual Warfare) A one-credit Biblically-balanced, one-credit Certificate Level course, published by SEAN International and designed to help the people of God in the daily battle against Satan. It presents the freedom that the Lord Jesus offers for people hurt, bound and oppressed by the devil and sin. It is useful for use in counselling people who have had contact with the occult and other harmful practices of the spirit world, and to minister liberation to them through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. The course is led by a spiritually-mature, Christian leader. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to acquire basic knowledge and skills in dealing with the spirit world.
CMT59 How to Lead Church Services A one-credit Certificate Level course that teaches how to prepare and lead lively, ordered and Biblical congregational worship. The basic objective of this course is to enable students to prepare and lead services which glorify God and build up the congregation. The course supplies additional material and self-evaluation sheets that can be used later for practical application. The course is published by SEAN International.  Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to acquire knowledge and basic skills to lead well-ordered church services.
CMT61 Jesus in the Gospels A two-credit Certificate Level course that presents an overview of Christ’s life and ministry in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It tells the story of Jesus Christ’s eternal  divine existence, His birth, His ministry, His death and resurrection, and His ascension into glory. His role as Savior, Healer, Deliverer, and victorious King of kings is emphasized. The significance of His titles as Son of Man and Son of God are examined. Students are challenged to follow Him today in faith and obedience. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be impacted to more faithfully follow Jesus Christ.
CMT62 Work of the Pastor A two-credit Certificate Level course designed for the bi-vocational church leader. It deals with the challenges of managing a proper balance between family, ministry, work, and rest. It discusses the primary responsibilities of a pastor called to care for a flock of believers: teaching them the Word that they might love and serve God, praying for them, encouraging and exhorting them in good times and bad, protecting them from false teachers and false doctrine, and being an example before them. A pastor must be prepared to teach and preach the Word. A pastor, regardless of how large a ministry he or she has, never stops being a disciple of the Lord, and should remain a life-long, humble learner of the ways of the Lord. The course recognizes that the call to be a pastor is one of the several ministry callings, alongside apostles, prophets, evangelists and teachers. Christian leaders, even though they may hold the title of pastor, should know and grow in their own particular area of ministry giftedness. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grow in pastoral skills. 

CMT63 Basic Evangelism and Discipleship This two-credit Certificate Level course discusses the importance of evangelism and some simple methods of soul-winning. It also explores the need to make disciples who go on to make other disciples. It gives instruction on how to do DIscovery Bible Studies and gives students guided practice using this discipleship tool. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be equipped to win souls and disciple new believers.
CMT64 The Christian Family This two-credit Certificate Level course presents the family as the God-ordained fundamental unit in society. It introduces the Biblical pattern and structure of marriage, the family and the Christian home. The relationship between husband and wife and marital roles is discussed, as well as the training of children in the ways of the Lord. Proper gender roles, as taught in the Scriptures is presented. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students undertand how to help families of believers live in blessing and harmony and to better understand how to reflect the glory of God before the world.  

CMT75 How to Interpret the Bible This two-credit Certificate Level course presents ten basic interpretative rules that can help a believer properly understand and apply the Scriptures. Course objectives and learning outcomes: This course is to guard against the preaching of wrong doctrine. 

CMT76 Christ’s Great Commission This one-credit Certificate Level course provides a basic introduction to missions. It discusses Christ’s command to do cross-cultural evangelism and discipleship and challenges students to become involved in Christian missions. It provides an overview of Christian missions in the world today. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are impacted to obey the Great Commission.
CMT77 The Pastor as an Entrepreneur This three-credit Certificate Level course presents practical models, case studies, and instruction that can assist a bi-vocational pastor to create additional income to help support their families and sustain their ministries. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students gain insights that can enable them to move toward adequate financial provision.

CMT91, CMT92, CMT93, CMT94, CMT95, CMT96, CMT97, CMT98, CMT99 Bridging Courses for Ministerial Students These Certificate Level courses provide a pathway for students to rise from the Certificate Level to the standards of the Diploma Level. The pathway may include other requirements, such as entrance exams and interviews by CMT evaluators. A CMT Bridging Course has a content and a credit value that CMT decides upon in each particular case of students in order to help them “bridge the gap” of knowledge in a particular area to meet CMT’s standards. 

Diploma Level Studies for Christian Leaders   
This CMT program supplies instruction for intermediate level ministerial students who lead church congregations, engage in evangelistic outreach, or assist in lay ministry.
Diploma Level courses (course codes CMT100-299) represent the first two years of university study. Upon completion of a Diploma, students may continue two more years to earn a Bachelor’s Degree (course codes CMT300-499).
CMT114 The Holy Spirit (Pneumatology) This three-credit course builds on the Certificate Level course, CMT57 Who is the Holy Spirit? This Diploma Level course examines the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, along with His work, His gifts, and His manifestations. A sound and clear Scriptural basis for the Pentecostal or Charismatic doctrine of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is taught. Different views of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit are discussed. An historical perspective of how the Holy Spirit has been active throughout the ages is presented. Students are challenged with implications of the powerful potential of the Holy Spirit working in the believer’s life and ministry. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be challenged with implications of the powerful potential of the Holy Spirit working in the believer’s life and ministry.
CMT117 Paul’s Prison Epistles This two-credit Diploma Level course is a verse by verse study of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon showing the marvellous union between Christ and His church and how this relationship should the conduct of believers. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be enriched in their spiritual lives by Paul’s letters. 
CMT118 Bible General Epistles This two-credit Diploma Level course inductively studies the books of James, First and Second Peter, and Jude. Their practical relevance for how Christians should live in the face of suffering is presented. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be enriched in their spiritual lives by their study of these epistles.
CMT119 Bible Pastoral Epistles This two-credit Diploma Level course presents Paul’s letters of First and Second Timothy and Titus as handbook for pastors. These books instruct the servants of God about calling, challenge them regarding responsibilities, warn them about dangers, and encourage them about eternal rewards. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be enriched in their spiritual lives by their study of these epistles. 

CMT120 Gospel of John This three-credit Diploma Level course is a verse-by-verse, devotional exposition of John’s Gospel. According to its author, this wonderful book was written to highlight the divine nature of Jesus Christ. Students will examine the implications of the miraculous signs and the declarations of Jesus that show He is God. Students will meditate on this truth and be urged to respond to it with wholeheated surrender to Christ. The author of the Gospel of John is “the disciple that Jesus loved.” God’s love is another key theme of the book that will be discussed. It is not surprising that in this Gospel we find the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world.” Students will be invited to meditate on the Lord’s tremendous love for mankind and apply this truth practically in their lives. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be enriched in their spiritual lives by their study of this book.
CMT125 Principles of Transformational Teaching for Church Leaders This two-credit Diploma Level course examines the differences between two models of teaching: the Instructional Leader and the Transformational Leader. The course shows how the second model is more effective and suggests ways it can be implemented by teachers of the Word of God. Traditional instructional models focus on teachers merely transmitting a bulk of knowledge to be received by students as consumers. Transformational Teaching, on the other hand, is defined as the sharing of knowledge in a such a lively way that lessons grab the interest of the students. They become engaged as vital participants in the learning process. They are inspired to embrace and integrate practical changes in their own lives and to become positive influencers in the family, the church, the workplace, and society. The instructor is not a spectator standing apart, but rather a mentor, a brother or sister, who has established a relationship with the students and walks alongside them in the learning process.  Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to comprehend and grow in the principles taught in this course.
CMT126 Christian Missions 2 Christianity is at its heart a missionary faith. We are called to advance the wonderful of Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ everywhere, within our own cultures and beyond to other cultures. This two-credit Diploma Level course lays out the Scriptural basis for the missionary mandate to every believer and to every local church to make disciples of all nations. It explores missionary movements in history and problems connected with the task of communicating the gospel cross-culturally. Missionary strategies are presented. Local churches are encouraged to become places where believers hear the call to missions. Then, the congregations send them out to the harvest and support them in vital ways. The course also provides resources to students to help them identify and fulfill their particular roles in the Great Commission. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be impacted to participate effectively in doing their part to fulfill the Great Commission.
CMT127 Church Planting This is a three-credit Diploma Level course that examines the model of the five phases of planting dynamic churches that is being used today with great success around the world. Phase one deals with the call, the vision, and the preparation of the church planter. Phase two is the careful discipleship of converts. Phase three is gathering together groups being discipled. Phase four is the congregation going public. Phase five is the maturing process and the establishment of daughter churches. This church planting model is promoted by the SURGE organization. CMT’s objective for this course is that students truly be inspired and mobilized to go out and plant churches. 

CMT131 Life of Christ Compendium Book 1 Book 1 of a compendium of pastoral theology, based on the Life of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew and The Acts of the Apostles. This Diploma Level series contains 150 lessons in six books and is an integrated program to prepare Christian workers and leaders. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp and apply the truths in this course. 

CMT132 Life of Christ Compendium Book 2 Book 2 of this Diploma Level series continues a study of pastoral theology, based on the Life of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp and apply the truths in this course.
CMT133 Life of Christ Compendium Book 3 Book 3 of this Diploma Level series continues a study of pastoral theology, based on the Life of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp and apply the truths in this course.
CMT134 Life of Christ Compendium Book 4 Book 4 of this Diploma Level series continues a study of pastoral theology. Book 4 analyses the third year of the ministry of Jesus ("The Year of Passion"). The course deals with the doctrine of man, sin, death, correct and false concepts about the human body (transfiguration) and the spirit (spiritism), including practical matters such as human relations, sex, marriage, family, possessions and ambition. The course shows the basic principles of pastoral psychology; emphasises five common psychological adjustments and the Biblical teaching about each of them. The course deals with the authority in matters of faith (tradition, human reason and revelation). The course highlights the ministry in Judea and the three religious festivals (John) and the ministry in Perea (Luke). The course looks at the history of the division of the kingdom (Judah and Israel), the time of Nehemiah and the formation of the Samaritan people, the Assyrian and Babylonian empires, the period between the Testaments and the Roman Emperors Augustus and Tiberius; introduces the student to the writing of Josephus. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp and apply the wide range of truths presented in this course. 

CMT135 Life of Christ Compendium Book 5 Book 5 of a compendium of pastoral theology. This Diploma Level course analyzes and studies the events and teachings of the last week, day by day, including the Olivet Sermon and the eschatology and the Sermon in the Upper Room (John 13-17), the trials and the crucifixion. The course gives detailed teaching about the geography of Jerusalem and how it was during the Passover, with the function and history of the Temple. The course deals with Christ as prophet, priest and king, the significance of the Last Supper and the death of Christ; continues with the doctrine of man, taking into account justification (signified by the death of Christ) and the total consecration of the human personality (intellect, emotions and will). The course introduces the use of the evaluation technique and setting out a scale of effective values and (on the practical side) accounting to the local congregation. The course finishes with a comparative analysis of the life of Jesus Christ in the four Gospels. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp and apply the truths in this course.
CMT136 Life of Christ Compendium Book 6 Book 6 of a compendium of pastoral theology. This Diploma Level course covers Matthew 28 and The Acts of the Apostles. It deals with the Resurrection and its proofs, the Ascension and Exaltation of the Lord, the Great Commission and how this was put into practice by the early church. The course considers the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, baptism and the ministry of the church. The course studies the early church in the book of Acts and the expansion during the three missionary journeys of Paul until the Gospel reaches Rome. The course gives suggestions for the application of the same rules to the church of the 21st century. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp and apply the truths in this course.
CMT142 History, Ministry and Governance of a Church Denomination CMT is an interdenominational institution. Thus, its student come from a vast variety of churches and Christian organizations. CMT is committed to serve local churches and denominations by helping them prepare their ministers. The purpose of this three-credit Diploma Level  course is to do precisely that. CMT partners with the particular denomination, who provides the school with appropriate materials consistent with that denomination’s history, principles and practices, doctrinal emphases, and particular requirements they wish that their ministerial candidates might fulfil. Denominational authorities participate in the instructional process and, along with CMT, monitor the students’ progress. Thus, these students earn CMT credits while they prepare to serve the Lord in the denomination to which they belong. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp and apply the truths in this course in such a way that they can contribute effectively and harmoniously to fulfill the particular vision and mission of the denomination with which they are affiliated.
CMT143, CMT144, CMT145 Bridging or Elective Courses for Ministerial Students These courses apply to the Diploma Level CMT curriculum. A CMT Bridging Course has a content and a credit value that CMT decides upon in each particular case of students in order to help them “bridge the gap” of knowledge in a particular area to meet CMT’s standards. CMT Students could conceivably end up having three, four, five, or even more Bridging Courses recorded on their CMT Transcript, each of these referring to a different subject area or course. Students to desire to enter a CMT course sometimes need some extra pre-enrollment learning in order to meet the prerequisites of that course. This can happens for lower-level CMT students who wish to advance to a higher-level CMT course. Also, those who transfer into CMT from other institutions may be asked to enroll first in Bridging Courses to enable them to meet the standards of CMT. This procedure is necessary if they wish to have CMT accept their prior learning and have those credits entered into their CMT transcript. Finally, those students who wish to be given CMT credit for prior ministerial and life experience may be required to take Bridging Courses in certain subject areas. The pathway to enroll in CMT may include other requirements, such as entrance exams and interviews by CMT evaluators.  On a case by case basis, these course codes can also be assigned to specific Elective courses that CMT may choose to add to the Curriculum.
CMT181 Ministerial Ethics This is a two-credit Diploma Level course that discusses the personal and professional ethics required of servants of church ministers, Christian counselors, and others involved in public Christian service. Scriptural teaching and practical examples from real-life situations are presented. The role of the Holy Spirit in maintaining ethical behavior is stressed. Moral character and purity are emphasized, and well as the responsibility of the minister to guard one’s Christian testimony. Interaction with members of the opposite sex is discussed. The course talks about addictions, moral failures, spiritual or emotional strongholds from a minister’s past, need for inner healing or deliverance, issues of proper submission to authorities, spiritual abuse, control, and manipulation. Respect and honor in a minister’s relationships with other ministers or other ministries is dealt with. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to acquire knowledge and skills to equip them to be moral and ethical servants of God. 

CMT191 Ministerial Practicum 1 The first of four required internships under the direction of a mentor. This five-credit Diploma Level course happens over the period of several months and involves a wide variety of student input and activity: meditation, reading, prayer, journaling, ministry experiences, discussion, etc. The course helps the student develop the right attitude for ministry. It examines characteristics to be avoided and tests to be passed in the life of a minister. It further focuses on public aspects of ministry, such as teaching, preaching, and leading meetings. The personal life of the minister, including time management and personal health, is also discussed.  Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to acquire knowledge and practical skills to equip them to grow in their ministries.
CMT205 Life of Christ in the Gospels This three-credit Diploma Level course builds on the two-credit Certificate Level course, CMT61 Jesus in the Gospels. The course studies the life, ministry, miracles, and teachings of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) and to a certain extent, from John’s Gospel. Students study the historical, cultural, and religious background that help understand the world of the first century. Messianic prophecies are identified. Students learn about important events in the Savior’s life in chronological order. The three years of Obscurity, Popularity, and Opposition of Christ are studied, as well as the culmination of Jesus earthly ministry through the Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension into glory. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are encouraged to become more committed disciples of the Master and teach, preach, and model bold, servant-hearted attitudes and a life-style filled with love, after the pattern of Jesus.
CMT212 New Testament Survey A three-credit course that builds on the one-credit Certificate Level course, CMT54 Panorama of the New Testament. This Diploma Level course offers an introductory overview of the entire New Testament. Historical context to the events of the New Testament and its Old Testament background are discussed, as well as the major themes and theology of the Bible foretold in the Old Testament and revealed in clarity in the New Testament. Students gain insights into the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles, Old Testament Messianic prophecies and their fulfilment in Christ, the role of Jesus in the Kingdom of God, both at present and in the future. Students are led to understand more fully the significance to the work of Christ and the plan of redemption. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are are called to embrace a kingdom of God perspective on their lives as believers, submitting to the Great Commission, and walking in the Holy Spirit.
CMT213 Biblical Theology and Doctrine 2 In this three-credit Diploma Level course, students inductively learn major Christian doctrines as they study the actual Bible passages where they are embedded and taught. The purpose of this course is not to learn abstractly about God, but to learn to know Him intimately. Students are led into worship and rejoicing as they contemplate the grandeurs of His love, holiness, grace and mercy. The magnificent truths of redemption, justification, sanctification, and end time glorification are discussed. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to learn sound doctrine and grow in worship and service to Christ.
CMT214 Old Testament Survey This three-credit course builds on the one-credit Certificate Level course, CMT53 Panorama of the Old Testament. This Diploma Level course provides an overview of the entire Old Testament, placing every book in its proper context and showing how God’s plan to redeem mankind is progressively revealed from the Garden of Eden at Creation through the Post-Exilic period as the Old Testament ends.  Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp the structure, basic content, and implications of this imporant section of the Scriptures.
CMT217 Biblical Theology and Doctrine 3 This three-credit course is a continuation of CMT213 Biblical Theology and Doctrine 2. It focuses particularly on key aspects of the Kingdom of God.  Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to learn sound doctrine and grow in worship and service to Christ.
CMT223 A Preacher’s Introduction to Homiletics This three-credit course builds on the two-credit Certificate Level course, CMT56 Preparing and Preaching Bible Messages. This Diploma Level course presents the art and science of preaching. It lays the foundation for biblical sermon construction and delivery that is interesting, well-organized, and compelling. The course will talk about various types of messages, and discusses how to avoid boring the listeners, but rather engage their interest and challenge them to make decisions for Christ. The course points out that the spiritual preparation of the preacher must both precede and accompany the preparation of the sermon. Basic structure and elements of a good sermon will be presented. In addition to the anointing of the Holy Spirit, these practical features of a good sermon are shown to be very important. The students perform practical exercises and assignments, in which they actually prepare messages, preach them, and are evaluated objectively as to what extent they incorporated the specific elements of a well-prepared sermon..Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to learn to prepare and effectively communicate Biblical messages. 

CMT231 A Bible Student’s Introduction to Hermeneutics This three-credit course course builds on the one-credit Certificate Level course, CMT75 How To Interpret the Bible. This Diploma Level course is an introductory course in Hermeneutics, which includes the proper methods and principles of Biblical interpretation. The course teaches the traditional grammatical-historical method and takes a genre driven approach to the study of Scripture. The course will also include elements of inductive Bible study and horizontal and vertical outlining. Ultimately, it is built on the foundation of the careful and thoughtful reading of Scripture to enable an accurate understanding of what the Scripture teaches. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to learn to understand and interpret the Bible. 
CMT232 Principles of Transformational Christian Leadership This three-credit Diploma Level course builds on CMT125 Principles of Transformational Teaching. CMT has a calling to help raise up transformational leaders who will influence and bring change to real life problems, and this course is a practical, hands-on, highly relational, participatory, and corporate exercise of students and instructor to identify and come up with strategies and solutions to real-world problems that affect believers and their presence in society. Students will prayerfully brainstorm how to begin to apply these strategies and solutions in the power of the Holy Spirit and for the glory of God. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to corporately grow as Transformational Leaders.
CMT233 Conflict Resolution for Transformational Christian Leaders This two-credit Diploma Level course examines how to manage and resolve conflict in the local church in a Biblical manner. Attention will be given to the tools needed to see conflict resolved successful and how ones leadership style will affect the process. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to learn skills that can enable them to be effective peace-makers. 

CMT243, CMT244, CMT245 Bridging or Elective Courses for Ministerial Students These apply to the second year CMT curriculum. For explanation, see the first level CMT143, CMT144, CMT145 Bridging or Elective Courses
CMT246 Bible Eschatology This three-credit Diploma Level course consists of a Biblical study of end-time events from a Pentecostal perspective beginning with death and the intermediate state. Various views of the end time events are compared and contrasted. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to learn to understand and appreciate various perspectives on the eschatological Scriptures.
CMT249 Book of Acts: Birth and Expansion of the Church This three-credit Diploma Level course is a study of the New Testament book of Acts. In this course Acts is called “The advance of the Kingdom of God through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ by the Church in the power of the Holy Spirit.” The Kingdom of God is presented as ever victorious and advancing, despite opposition and persecution by enemies of Christ. Students learn about the repeating cycle of Expansion, Consolidation, Opposition that constantly is occurring in Acts. The church spreads from Jerusalem to Rome in the power of the Spirit. Students are urged to surrender fully to Christ and be filled with the Holy Spirit and boldly preach the Gospel, following the example of believers in Acts. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp how the Kingdom of God grows and are motivated to more faithfully follow the King of Kings.  

CMT290 Comparative Religions This three-credit Diploma Level course presents an overview of major world religions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism and constrasts their history and beliefs with Christianity. The course also examines the history and beliefs several well-known religious groups or belief systems, such as the Roman Catholic Church, Seventh Day Adventism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and Jesus Only (“Oneness”), Animism, and others, and contrasts them with Evangelical Christianity. The course is structured to evaluate each religion or belief system on the basis of how they deal with six key truth questions. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be equipped to employ this assessment tool of the six questions to assess the truthfulness of belief systems.
CMT291 Christian Leaders’ Ministerial Practicum 2 This three-credit Diploma Level course is the second of three periods of on-the-job training for a minister. The focus of this practicum is on growing a servant-hearted attitude and a further refinement of ministry skills. Together with a mentor, the minister-student will identify specific areas of his or her personal life and ministry that need prayerful attention and action steps to take in faith and obedience. Over a period of a month, the student will meet regularly with the mentor and discuss progress and challenges in these areas addressed. The student will journal the spiritual journey he or she takes in these matters. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to further mature as transformational leaders and refine practical skills as they grow in their ministries. 

Bachelor's Level in Theological Studies  
This CMT program supplies experienced ministerial students with training that satisfies the minimum theological education requirements commonly required by Christian organizations for their pastors, missionaries, and evangelists. 

CMT301 Transformational Christian Counselling This three-credit Bachelor’s Level course on Christian counselling does not intend to produce skilled and professionally qualified therapists. Rather, it presents basic principles that can help servants of God minister to the broken-hearted and those with deeply-rooted problems, including poor self image, insecurity, low self worth, and abandonment. The course presents a multi-faceted, Biblically-based strategy to minister inner healing and deliverance to these needy souls through a combination of faith-filled, anointed prayer and declarations of blessing, development of skills in empathetic listening, open-ended questions, understanding of different temperaments, and other tools of Christian counselling. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to learn to use basic principles and strategies of Christian counselling they can use to minister to the hurting.
CMT304 Christian Missions 3 In this three-credit Bachelor’s Level course, students prayerfully develop a significant cross-cultural ministry project to undertake under the supervision of a mentor experienced in missions. The activity must be designed to stretch the students’ faith and remove them outside their comfort zone into cross-cultural situations that are foreign to them and that require an enabling grace of God to successful. The student will journal throughout this project, describing both personal victories and defeats. The journal will be later shared with fellow students. The project must have enough importance to be worth the three academic credits assigned to it. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grow in their experiential knowledge and ministry skills necessary to fulfil the Great Commission.
CMT311 Prayer and Worship This two-credit Bachelor’s Level course is an examination of the Biblical literature on prayer and worship from a Pentecostal perspective with the goal of assisting students in developing their relationship with God. Individual and corporate prayer and worship will be considered with application to the life of the Church in today's world. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to develop in attitudes and practice of authentic worship of God and integrate this elements into their daily lives and ministry. 

CMT313 Corinthian Epistles of Paul A thee-credit Bachelor’s Level course that examines how Paul’s epistles to the believers in Corinth dealt with difficulties that continue to be an issue for the Church today. This course will examine the Corinthian correspondence to discover what it meant to first century believers for the purpose of being able to apply its principles in twenty-first century situations. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to gain practical insights on how to effectively deal with difficult issues they will face in ministry situations. 

CMT318 Bible Books of the Pentateuch This three-credit Bachelor’s Level course is an introductory study of the Pentateuch with an analysis, interpretation and application of the contents of these books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. The Old Testament Pentateuch (Law) is foundational to the Old Testament and sets the theological trajectory for redemption realized in the New Testament. This course helps students understand the Pentateuch and related contextual issues of history, culture, and theology so that they will appreciate the significance of the Pentateuch to the full canon of Scripture. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to be equipped with a basic grasp of the content and significance of this important section of Scripture. 

CMT320 Bible Poetry and Wisdom Books This is a three-credit Bachelor’s Level course. Wisdom literature constitutes a major part of the Old Testament. This course is a study of the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, and Lamentations and attempts to provide a foundation for their use in the life of the believer today. Additionally, their application in the church will be considered. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to learn the basic content and themes that are contained in this genre of Scripture. They will understand the features of Hebrew poetry. They will grow to appreciate the value of this literature to enrich personal and corporate worship. 

CMT322 Bible Book of Isaiah This is a three-credit Bachelor’s Level, introductory course on the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah is the longest book of prophecy in the Bible. God gave Isaiah a clearer vision of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ than any other of the Old Testament prophets. The course presents an outline of Isaiah that helps the student grasp and overview of the themes of this book. This course does not pretend to present an exhaustive study of the Book of Isaiah, but its major lessons will be discussed along with their relevance to believers today. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students will learn the basic structure and design of Isaiah and be equipped to articulate the general prophetic themes found in this book. Students will comprehend how Messianic passages in Isaiah finds its fulfilment in the New Testament. 

CMT325 Preaching in the Contemporary World This two-credit Bachelor’s Level course examines the question: How does a preacher develop a sermon that will connect with his or her audience resulting in changed behavior while at the same time maintaining fidelity to the Bible as the Word of God? Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students will learn how to create relevant, interesting, and effective sermons in a world that is rapidly growing post-Christian.
CMT327 Church Administration This three-credit Bachelor’s Level course presents practical principles of transformational leadership of a congegration that allows it to successfully fulfill its mission. It discusses aspects of effective prioritizing and decision-making under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, supervision, delegation, goal-setting, relating to and empowering team members as a servant leader, administrative procedures, ethical behavior in finances, and other matters. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to learn to understand and apply godly leadership principles and sound administrative proceduures in the leading of a congregation. 

CMT333 Christ in the Sciences This two-credit Bachelor’s Level, elective course is an introductory look at the amazing evidences of the presence of a loving God in the sciences. Are science and the Bible incompatible? No, but the Bible is not meant to be a scientific book; rather its truths transcend the limits of man's materialistic denial of the supernatural and actually point to a merciful and powerful Creator God who has deposited in Nature wonderful signs of His reality and presence for us to discover. According to Psalm 19:1 (NLT), "The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship." The wonders of Nature and astounding discoveries in the sciences are meant to motivate those who are already believers to worship and those who are honest seekers of truth to open their hearts to Creator God and be ushered into a greater revelation of redemption through Jesus Christ. Course objectives and learning outcomes: These lessons are to inspire worship and strengthen the faith of the student and provide apologetical tools to engage in conversations with those who do not yet know Christ. 

CMT343, CMT344, CMT345, CMT346, CMT347, CMT348 Bridging or Elective Courses These apply to the third year Bachelor’s Level CMT curriculum. For explanation, see the first level CMT143, CMT144, CMT145 Bridging or Elective Courses. 

CMT391 Ministerial Practicum 3 This is a four-credit Bachelor’s Level course that is tailored to the student-minister’s particular situation. It requires a mentor-supervised major project that deals with ministerial, personal, or social development. The project must advance the Kingdom of God and develop the student as a Transformational Leader. The student may work individually or in a team. The student will keep a journal that records both successes and challenges. It will be shared with fellow students for peer-review and with CMT for academic evaluation. Course objectives and learning outcomes:  Students are to further mature in their calling and in their development of ministerial gifts and skills.
CMT401 Church History This is a three-credit Bachelor’s Level, introductory course that explores the development of the Christian Church from Pentecost to the present day. It presents the general story line of Church History and the development of the major doctrines and creeds. It identifies the major figures, themes, and events of the: Patristic, Medieval, Reformation, Puritan, Pietist, Wesleyan, and Modern periods of Church History. It describes how the church implemented its mission across many cultures in the various periods of Church History. Students will learn to briefly tell the story of Christian history and the development of creeds and major doctrines. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to grasp a general overview of the major individuals and groups that shaped the development of the Christian movement from the early Church onward. Students will be exposed to how theological development and formation of doctrinal formation occurred. Students will be able to discuss how the sectors and groupings of modern Christendom were influenced by Church history. Students will be motivated to grapple today with the implications of engaging in the Great Commission. 

CMT403 Project Management for Church Leaders This is a three-credit Bachelor’s Level course that presents a guide to equip the Christian project manager with some of the basic tools necessary to run a project successfully. Project Management can be defined as the steps a church takes to complete a task that is focused on making improvements. Among topics discussed will be task identification and clarification, project scaling, process steps, prioritization, decision-making, organizational structures, identification of people and material resources, engagement and management of stakeholders, etc. Case studies will be discussed, such as projects of adding more seats, installing new screens or lights, upgrade technological tools such as sound equipment, or anything else that makes it easier to preach, worship, and reach as many people as possible. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students will learn to effectively plan, break down projects into their component parts, and develop comprehensive steps toward project completion. 

CMT404 The African Church and the Kingdom of God This three-credit Bachelor’s Level course identifies serious current issues that impact the growth and spiritual health of the African church with respect to the challenges it faces. Students engage in prayerful discussion to clarify issues, and develop plans for practical solutions. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students will learn to be conversant on issues and challenges that affect the Church in Africa today, in terms of its spiritual health and effectiveness of its mission before God and within the culture. 

CMT405 The Latin American Church and the Kingdom of God This three-credit Bachelor’s Level course identifies serious current issues that impact the growth and spiritual health of the church in Latin American with respect to the challenges it faces. Students engage in prayerful discussion to clarify issues, and develop plans for practical solutions. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students will learn to be conversant on issues and challenges that affect the Church in Latin America today, in terms of its spiritual health and effectiveness of its mission before God and within the culture. 

CMT491 Ministerial Practicum 4 This three-credit Bachelor’s Level course builds on CMT404 The African Church and the Kingdom of God or CMT405 The Latin American Church and the Kingdom of God. Students organize in teams and engage in building viable projects, strategizing, carrying out solutions that were developed and planned in the previous course. Course objectives and learning outcomes:  Students are to further mature in teamwork and corporate implementation of important projects for advancing God's Kingdom. 

CMT492, CMT493, CMT494, CMT495 Bridging or Elective Courses for Ministerial Students These apply to the fourth year CMT curriculum. For explanation, see the first level CMT143, CMT144, CMT145 Bridging or Elective Courses. 

Master's Level in Theological Studies  
This CMT program supplies post-graduate ministerial students with more advanced theological training that prepares them to advance into higher levels of responsibility and effectiveness as Christian leaders in their churches, communities, organizations, and regions.
To earn a CMT Master’s Degree in Ministry, students will be required to complete a minimum of 36 academic credits beyond a Bachelor’s Degree. 

CMT5001 Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians - Life in the Flow This is a three-credit Masters level course based on the Book of Ephesians that presents the Christian life as a Life in the Flow. A verse by verse study of this epistle of Paul reveals fundamental truths about believers’ true spiritual home in the heavenly places in Christ. The course presents the believers’ identity as those who have been united with Christ in his overwhelming victory over evil. The astounding implications of the grace of God for Christian living, the Christian family, Christian ministry are discussed. Key Greek words are identified that point out the great privilege of blessing believers can experience in their walk with the Lord. Course objectives and learning outcomes:  Students are to be spiritually enriched, encouraged in their faith, and motivated to worship by means of these lessons. 

CMT5002 Bible Book of Romans A three-credit Master's Level course. This is a careful verse‑by‑verse study of this epistle is given, with added concentration on the doctrine of sanctification in Romans 6‑8 and practical, biblical principles found in chapters 12‑14. An emphasis is made in the entire study on how the gospel produces practical righteousness in those who believe. Course objectives and learning outcomes: Students are to comprehend and be able to summarize the following major themes in Romans regarding the righteousness of God: that it is needed, imputed, imparted, rejected and vindicated, and applied. 

CMT5006 Research Methodologies for Ministerial Students 1CMT5007 Research Methodologies for Ministerial Students 2CMT5008 Research Methodologies for Ministerial Students 3CMT5009 Research Methodologies for Ministerial Students 4CMT5010 Research Methodologies for Ministerial Students 5
These are each five-credit, Masters level courses that walk a student through the completion of a thesis for a Masters Degree in Theology. 

PhD Level in Theology  
This CMT program provides qualified ministerial students with terminal degree-level training that considerablly enhances their knowledge, character qualities, skill sets, and credibility as they function as influential communicators of the Gospel and as transformational leaders in society.  

To earn a CMT Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Theology, students will be required to complete a minimum of 45 academic credits beyond a Master’s Degree. CMT PhD level studies are in the academic discipline of Theology with a focus on Transformational Christian Leadership. They culminate in the completion of a doctoral dissertation. Eligible students apply for acceptance into the CMT PhD program and proceed through steps toward the completion of the degree under the direction and mentorship of a CMT Doctoral Committee. This will include assigned course work, research, field studies, and the preparation and defence of a PhD Dissertation.

CMT Course Catalog